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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our You Tube Videos....

Just before we left Canada we visited a number of service clubs hoping one or more of them would help us in some way.  In preparation for this Shelley and I made a video that explained our work and our goals...  Obviously we didn't do a very good job, as NONE of the service clubs we presented to thought our work was worthwhile enough to support.  Oh well, we will keep doing what we do, with our without service clubs...

In the last month our churches have been busy collecting stuff that we hope to receive in Florida sometime in October.  We will take the first load to Cuba and hope to receive the second load in Cozumel Mexico at Christmas...

By the way, here are the links to our two videos.  Essentially they are the same, only one is much shorter and contains much less personal stuff.

The Long One (12 minutes):

The Short One (4 minutes):

Feel free to share either of these to whoever you like...

Kyle & Shelley