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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What Is Happening With Right to Write?

After our accident last October we were left with some very difficult decisions. One obvious one was where do we take Right to Write now?

Last month we decided to sail the boat from Malaysia to Canada via Japan where we will pick up crew to help us sail the boat some 4000 nautical miles across the North Pacific.  Before leaving Malaysia we took about 1000 pencil cases and school supplies and asked half a dozen cruisers who were heading to islands in and around Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines to take what we had on board Blowin Bubbles and give it away as they found people in need.

The only stipulation was that we asked them to send us pictures and stories as they gave the school supplies and reading glasses away.

That was a few weeks ago, and we are just getting to Japan now.  We have not yet heard from any of the cruisers but as soon as we do we will post their stories here.

We are returning to Canada to get more medical care and to figure out a way we can continue our ministry.  We are NOT GIVING UP!

We will hopefully be in a place in the next year where we can leave again and keep our work going.  As frustrating as it has been, we have learnt so much about people’s love in this difficult time.  We will keep everyone up to date here on the blog.

Kyle & Shelley